Tag Archives: Gregg Ward Group

Advocating for Respect: Overcoming Skeptics Who Claim We’re Oversensitive and Too Politically Correct

by in Leadership Presence, Respectful Leadership

Hearing about Donald Trump’s recent meeting in which he made disrespectful comments about immigrants and other countries reminded me of an incident I witnessed over 20 years ago, while facilitating a corporate leadership strategy session. I watched – paralyzed – as the CEO of a global company literally screamed obscenities and personal abuse at his […]

To Be a Great Leader, Learn to Delegate

by in Engagement, Productivity & Performance

One of the greatest challenges for many new managers lies in a self-transformation from task master to leader. This transition involves the ability to effectively delegate responsibilities to other team members and empower them to succeed. Harvard Business Review Contributor Jesse Sostrin discusses this common management dilemma and offers strategies to help streamline your workflow, […]

Transparency: The Key to Loyalty

by in Respectful Leadership

Forbes contributor Jeanne Meister is an expert in preparing companies for the workplace of the future. She calls the 21st century “frenetic,” full of employees who change jobs frequently. Successful companies must have loyal employees to keep things steady and contribute to long-term success. Statistics have shown that having a loyal staff is correlated with […]

Make Fairness a Priority

by in Respectful Leadership

A key part of being respect-worthy is being fair. According to Marcus Erb, senior research partner and consultant with the Great Place to Work Institute, employee concerns about fairness are common leadership problems. He provides excellent suggestions on how to make sure that your organization is as fair as possible. Handle promotions fairly. Employees may […]

Time to Be Respectful

by in Respectful Leadership

A big part of practicing regular respect is learning how to manage your time so that you aren’t wasting the time of others. Rashelle Isip is a consultant and author who writes about practical ideas for organization, time management, and productivity. Her blog, “The Order Expert,” has been featured in multiple media outlets, including Time […]

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