These Four Things Will Help You Manage Your Stress
We all know how detrimental stress can be to the body and mind: it’s been linked to heart disease, depression, and obesity, and it can even dampen your cognitive performance. Managing stress is important, yet extremely difficult. In “10 Ways Smart People Stay Calm,” emotional intelligence expert Travis Bradberry gives techniques for combating stress. Next time you’re overwhelmed, give these techniques a try.
Be grateful. Simply thinking about what you’re thankful for can reduce cortisol, a stress hormone, by 23%. Pondering some reasons you’re grateful can improve your mood, energy, and physical well-being.
Think positively. Focus your brain on non-stressful thoughts by finding specific, positive things to think about. When you’re feeling stressed, think of something good that happened to you today, yesterday, or last week, whether it’s big or small. You can also think about future events that you’re excited for.
Recharge off the grid. “Technology enables constant communication and the expectation that you should be available 24/7,” says Bradberry. If you don’t occasionally give yourself a break, your body and mind won’t be able to recharge with some stress-free time. If it’s hard for you to unplug, start with times that people aren’t usually trying to get ahold of you anyways, like Sunday morning.
Accept help. Don’t go it alone! Ask for help at work and at home when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes just talking to someone can help you feel better. Not only will you feel better after unloading, you might find that someone outside of the situation can see solutions to your problems more clearly. When you ask for help, you’re also building relationships.