Cynthia Burnham

Cynthia Burnham is a leadership consultant, Board Certified Coach, former Wall Street Senior Vice President/Director of Employee Relations & Development, and the author of The Charisma Edge: A How-To Guide For Turning On Your Leadership Power. Called “life-altering” by clients, she speaks widely, conducts seminars, and coaches individuals to increased personal effectiveness, based on her lessons learned about confidence, power and charisma during 30+ years of highly-successful experience in corporate positions with Gillette, Duracell, PaineWebber, and UBS, and independently with clients such as Booz Allen Hamilton, Illumina, Pfizer, Sony, Cisco, State Farm, Hewlett-Packard, Northrop Grumman, Life Technologies and many others. Ms. Burnham earned a B.A. in Creative Studies from UC Santa Barbara, and an M.B.A. in Marketing from UCLA. She is certified in Vocal Awareness, Level II, Myers-Briggs, DiSC, Hogan, Lominger Voices, and Firo-B. She is also a Laughter Yoga teacher and professional singer. She lives in the mountains east of San Diego, and has a personal mission to help others become more confident, powerful and aware, while remaining true to who they are at their best, most authentic core.

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