Tag Archives: Gregg Ward Group

Dear Corporate America: By Not Talking About It, You’re Sending a Clear Message

by in Diversity & Inclusion, Respectful Leadership, Restoring Respect

Shortly after the death of George Floyd in May of 2020, corporate statements and earnings call mentions of support for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) jumped through the roof. At that time and for at least two years afterward, it seemed that everyone was talking about the importance of DEI, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) […]

Are You Being Handcuffed?

by in Business Culture, Managing Conflict, Respectful Leadership, Restoring Respect

Last year I got an all-too-familiar call from Trevor, the head of HR at a mid-sized accounting firm in Virginia. He’d been recruited into the role six months earlier and, shortly after starting work, found what he called, “a culture of disrespect.” “The senior managers have been playing favorites for years,” Trevor told me, “And […]

It’s Good to Get Out

by in Respectful Leadership

“Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.”  – Maya Angelou I’m out of my office on travel right now, for work, and I’m enjoying it even more […]

With All Due Respect

by in Media

This article was originally published in AIMA (All India Managment Association) Creating high-performing teams is a tough thing to do. Keeping them high performing is even tougher. To crack the mysteries of high performance, consider this wisdom: ‘Successful people consistently do what other people only do occasionally. Successful teams are packed with successful people. If […]

The Remarkable Coach Podcast

by in Media, Podcast

How do you bring two people who work closely with each other back together after respect in the relationship has been lost? In this episode of The Remarkable Coach Podcast, Micheal Pacheco and Gregg Ward talk about just that. Gregg works with C-Suite executives at major global companies – we’re talking big responsibilities and egos […]

A Geek Leader Podcast: Respectful Leadership with Gregg Ward

by in Media, Podcast, Press, Respectful Leadership

Gregg Ward is the CEO of the Gregg Ward Group, a management consulting, training and coaching firm that focuses on helping leaders develop their Respectful Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and Executive Presence skills. For over 25 years, Gregg has worked with Fortune 100 and 500 organizations around the world to inspire respect and leadership, emphasizing the […]

Center for Respectful Leadership Touts Benefits of Experiential Leadership Training

by in Leadership Presence, Media, Press, Respectful Leadership

Gregg Ward is featured in Market Business News. American companies spend nearly $14 billion every year on leadership training, according to a report issued in 2012 by Deloitte. But how effective is this leadership training? Not very, say experts who point out that adult learners in lecture settings forget more than half of what they’re […]

Leadership Expert, Gregg Ward, Launches Center for Respectful Leadership

by in Media, Press, Respectful Leadership

Article by EconoTimes What’s the most effective leadership style? It depends on who you ask. Kurt Lewin, the psychologist most closely identified with social psychology, posited that all management styles can be broken down into two categories: task-oriented leadership and people-oriented leadership. Bestselling author Gregg Ward posits a third category: respectful leadership. Ward recently launched […]

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