Tag Archives: Gregg Ward Group

Empowering Change: Strategies to Combat Gender Bias

by in Business Culture, Change, Diversity & Inclusion, Respectful Leadership

Becca is a leader in a global pharmaceutical company. She’s smart, driven, and has a proven record of delivering results. Her boss, another female leader, had identified her as her successor, but Becca was denied the role when the time came. Her outspoken nature was labeled as “lacking in executive presence.” Leaders said she “dominates […]

Seeking A Promotion? How To Stay Resilient After Setbacks At Work

by in Forbes Coaches Council, Media

Forbes Coaches Council, October 14th. When you’ve made a significant mistake, or series of mistakes, at work, it can feel as if all your previous efforts may go unrecognized and unrewarded—especially if you’ve been aiming for a promotion. Bouncing back from a workplace setback requires resilience, which starts with learning from your misstep. As a […]

Trust in Turmoil: Navigating the Trust Gap in Today’s Workplace

by in Leadership, Managing Conflict, Respectful Leadership

The research is clear: we’re facing an increasing trust gap between leadership and employees in our workplaces. According to PwC‘s recent annual trust survey, there is an 18-point gap between executives who believe their employees trust them (86%) and the employees who actually do (67%). Additionally, there’s a 26-point gap between leaders who say they […]

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